May 21st, what an interesting evening,  Haisla Nation Council community cultural coordinator Teresa Windsor walked us through a good deal of Haisla history backed by an excellent PowerPoint slide show.  We learned about the clans at Kitamaat Village.  Theirs is a matriarchal society, one where families are closely knit together.  Teresa grew up in Kitamaat Village.  She was sparked to research and share  the Haisla culture when her son came home from school reciting a prayer that he had learned in the Haisla language.  As we listened, her story 'came alive'. Now JHaisla kids are learning their language.  Like all of us, she shares the simple truth, they are our future.  Teresa invited us to come out to a gathering on the June 21st weekend.  It's called Guatlap Days (to help one another).  More to come from her later.