We were pleased to have our former Club Member Lynda taking the time from her busy schedule to to bring us up to speed on the youth programs offered in our District.  Using an excellent PowerPoint presentation, she showcased the programs that exist.  Lynda now lives in Squamish.  She's a member of our the District's Youth Committee.  Whenever possible she heads north to participate at RYLA Lakelse.  We learnt about the newest program Earlyact, ages 5-12, Interact - middle/high school age youths, Rotoact, young adults up to 30 years of age.  RYLA, Youth Exchange, ROSE, Adventures programs, New Generations Service Exchange.  Lynda brought along a SURPRISE.  We were delighted to see her present young Luca and Eva Columbo with a certificate of recognition.  The children gave their stuffies to the Korle Bu Neurocience Foundation in West Africa.  How very special of them to do this.