With the help of our Rylarians and members of the MESS Glee Club, Rotary flew two Peace Doves in the July 1st Parade.  Everyone was in good spirits in spite of the rain.  It was great having friends cheer us on as we walked and also humorous to overhear the doves called BIG BIRDS and even parrots.  But there were many who called out Peace Doves.    A big thank you goes to Bonnie Rendell for making the frames for their heads, also to Lois Godfrey for her work sewing sheets together and drawing out a template.  Margaret Warcup and Eleanor Kendell had fun sewing or pinning their bodies and wings in place the day before the parade.  Robin Lapointe did the "Join us on September 21st" sign to mark the United Nations International Day of Peace.  There is a potential for having our doves in the Riverboat Days parade in Terrace.  Our Rotary pals there have expressed interest.